EAROPH global networks with UN-Habitat itself links it to various organizations that covers the globe and address related issues to global sustainability, humanity and climate change. We are also directly affiliated to IFHP, an organization which we evolved from.

EAROPH are a member of:

IFHP is a global network of urban professionals who work to make cities better for people. IFHP has existed for 105 years as a membership organisation and an international professional community. IFHP's aim is to foster the creation of sustainable and liveable housing in urban areas.

The General Assembly of Partners (GAP) is an innovative, inclusive and independent multi-stakeholder partnership platform that convenes more than 1,100 unique organizations with over 58,000 networks working on sustainable urban development.

The Habitat Professionals Forum (HPF) is a voluntary affiliation of international and regional associations of Human Settlements Professionals involved in sustainable urban development. The HPF aims to foster cooperation and partnership between the Human Settlements Professionals and UN-HABITAT through dialogue and partnerships, and by providing leading-edge information and expertise that contribute to the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and sustainable urban development.
Celebrating World Cities Day on 31 October 2018, the International Coalition for Sustainable Cities and Territories (ICOSCAT-CIVTED) was founded. This coalition is coordinated by the NGO Urbanistses Sans Frontières (USF) and represented now by 100 members in 35 countries. The objectives of the coalition are:
Acting collectively for developing public policies at local, regional and global levels, working for sustainable development of cities and territories.
Promoting partnership for sustainable cities and territories between different actors at public, economique, private and civil society.
Facilitating application of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local and regional level